90% of Us Are Breathing Wrong - And It's Wrecking Our Health

90% of Us Are Breathing Wrong - And It's Wrecking Our Health

Ready for a mind-blowing fact? A staggering 90% of us are breathing incorrectly, and it's not just impacting our sleep – it's fuelling a whole host of chronic diseases.

This isn't some conspiracy theory; it's science. Journalist James Nestor dove deep into the research, and what he uncovered is shocking. Modern lifestyles, from processed foods to stressful jobs, have messed with our natural breathing patterns. We've become mouth-breathers, and our bodies are paying the price.

So, how do you know if you're a mouth-breather? Here are some clues:

  • Dry mouth that could rival the Sahara Desert
  • Dragon breath that could knock out a dragon
  • Snoring like a freight train
  • Raccoon eyes (aka dark circles)
  • Brain fog thicker than pea soup
  • Feeling tired all the darn time
  • Waking up grumpy (and who can blame you?)
  • A voice that sounds like you've been gargling gravel

Remember that time you woke up with a Sahara-dry mouth and felt like a zombie all day? Yeah, that's mouth breathing at work. It messes with your oxygen intake, sleep quality, and even your facial structure. Nestor's experiments showed that just 10 days of mouth breathing led to skyrocketing blood pressure, increased snoring, and a serious case of brain fog.

And it's not just about feeling lousy. Mouth breathing has been linked to serious health issues like sleep apnea, heart disease, and even ADHD. Scary stuff, right?

Luckily, there's a simple solution, and it's been right under our noses (literally) all along: nasal breathing.

Your nose is a breathing ninja. It filters out toxins, humidifies the air, and delivers more oxygen to your body than mouth breathing ever could. Think of it as your body's built-in performance enhancer, optimising everything from sleep to energy levels to even your immune system.

So, how do you make the switch to nasal breathing? That's where GOAT comes in. Our mouth tape and nose strips gently guide you towards healthier breathing habits, day and night.

Whether you're battling snoring, struggling with sleep apnea, or just want to feel more energised and focused, GOAT has your back (and your nose!).

It's time to ditch the mouth-breathing and unleash the power of your nostrils. Your body will thank you!

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